Silvento Leviathan – italian greyhound male that lives in Kiev with very careful and full of love owner – Yaroslava. During childhood – he was fat, funny, active and kinga piggi style baby who took the weight with awful speed. First 4 days after the birth we called him Lucifer as he didnt give to sleep calling for his mom several times duright the night. When he calmed down he was lucky go get more “human” name Silvento Leviathan at the end – our blue great whale (according mythology). Unfortunatelly Leva was VERY bitted by his stupid mother – Hellica Forum Romanum, there were days when we thought that he will not survive … long weeks without sleeping and at the end he was resqued. His head now still looks demaged and not well shaped, his skin still has scars. Leva was castrated as even being now healthy and happy boy – he has quite visible demages of head and skin now and could not be showed. |
Name: Leva (Silvento Leviathan) Health tests: |
jCH Silvento Kronos |
Multi Ch Glacier Baltoro Forum Romanum |
C.I.B. Py’s Kesell |
CH Gobi of Tiglash Pileser |
CH Silvento Euthenia |
CH Inuus Forum Romanum |
CIB Silvento Diamoura Angioletta |
CH Hellica Forum Romanum |
CIB Brin D’amour du Domaine de Chanteloup |
CIB Oscar du Domaine de Chanteloup |
CH S’mafia du Domaine de Chanteloup |
CIB Arrakis Forum Romanum |
CIB Il Cagnolino Fernando |
C.I.B. Eledi Grace Hadria di Forum Romanum |