Silvento IGs July news

Щенок левретки резерв РоссияLots of news again, let’s start with “italian greyhound puppies” section. We have just announced about our decision to leave Silvento Hestia in co-ownership with and at the same day she was reserved by a person who was in contact with us for a long time regarding other puppy. So Silvento Hestia will leave soon but will be co-owned by us and will live in Russia (3000 km from Kiev). I’m happy by her new owner, who has IG experience btw, and hope to see her owner in Kiev soon ))

Show news: There was a dog show in Poltava city where male out of our breeding – Silvento Eleusis took part. Judge Johannes Schepers (Netherlands) gave him CAC and CACIB. My congratulations to Liuba and Slava – co-owners of Eleusis.

Judge – Johannes Schepers (Netherlands) – 4 IGs
Poltava “Vorskla” – CACIB
Silvento Eleusis – exc  САС   CACIB

курсинг левреткаSport/Coursing italian greyhound news: some of our italian greyhounds appeared to be good swimmers so we gotta cool swimming Silvento team each weekend. But except all this other our IGs appeared to be good coursing dogs as well. I came to coursing fields with my cam to take some shots of my friends and took Hellica Forum Romanum with me for fun, Helli decided that she needs real fun but not with me – with the rest of the sighthounds.

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