Cirneco puppy Creta Del Gelso Bianco – our 7 months old puppy from Sicily took part at the national dog show in Kiev “Acana Cup 2016”. Our cirneco puppy did an unbelievable thing – was placed to the BEST in Show puppy competition among about 50 different puppies of all the breeds : )
We are thankful to the breeders of our Sicilian red beauty, handler who helped me to make a sculpture from this active puppy and her personal trainer who made her so well-behaved girl in such a young age and to everyone who helped me during this dog-show. So the full results are:
“Acana CUP 2016”
27.02.2016 Kiev / САС
Judge – Miklos Levente (HU) & BIS – Alfredo Alessandri (IT)
Creta Del Gelso Bianco – vp BEST IN SHOW puppy – 3