03.06.2021 - puppies of Cirneco Dell'Etna were born. 𝟯 boys and 𝟮 girls.
Mom of the litter is our Junior European Winner and the 1st born cirneco in Ukraine - Silvento Medea - DNA tested, daddy and mom have patela luxation tested officially as well.
Maybe one girl will be available but probably for co-ownership. Boys were pre-reserved since the birth.
More photos in our Instagram, be careful with Stories there - as we are puppy-spammers 😀
Kids have names: #SilventoPlutus (blue), #SilventoPegasus (green), #SilventoPerseus (yellow) / boys
#SilventoPersephone (purple), #SilventoPirene (pink) / females
Price?! See FAQ on main page of our web