Our italian greyhound Silvento Diamoura Angioletta became Junior Champion of Ukraine month ago but got her official certificate of JunCH UA only yesterday. Amoura closed her Junior Russian Champion title on Eurasia – 2011 (Moscow) this year and only now got Ukrainian certificate, we are hapy and my congratulations to Tanya and Oleg – owners of Amoura, big thank you to Tanya for handling Amoura, good care and for sure for participations on DogShows.
Alina Stakhorska
cell: +380 66 273 60 39
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"We are independent in our views on Cirneco dell'Etna and Italian greyhound breeds.
We strickly follow the selected type of the breed and no matter how beautiful italian sighthound and cirneco is – we don’t use in breeding dogs that don’t satisfy us by type, quality, health, temperament.
We are not interested in the beauty of the pedigree of the italian greyhound or cirneco dell'Etna “on paper” if it doesn’t correspond her real quality in real life.
Our dogs are DNA tested and by our results, italian greyhounds and cirneci of Silvento confirm the correctness of the way we have chosen: we show, breed and present you iggies and cirneco dogs that are loved by us, judges and the audience"
Kl Silvento