Crystal Cup of Ukraine – our Italian Greyhound Luci

левретка Киев Lucilla Farom RomanumSome kinda stable win of our team this year. Last year at the same dog show – CRYSTAL Cup of UKRAINE 2014 Lucilla won her BOB too, this year the same results, nothing changed. Crystal Cup of Ukraine is the main dog-show of Ukraine and the last one that is held each year.  19 Italian greyhounds were entered, Luci was chowed by her co-owner Katia. Katia came to Kiev from Dnepropetrovsk city to visit this show and took our Silvento Diamantine Tenera – who spent time with me while Katya was showing Luci. My congrats to Katya with this win!

Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2015
Judge – Rita Kadike Skadina (Latvia)
Lucilla Forum Romanum – CAC CACIB BOB

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