Cirneco dog – Silvento Mercury / first dog-show in Junior class

Cirneco male Silvento Mercury – red and beloved “son” made my day by finishing almost 70% needed for Junior Champion of Ukraine. Dog-shows were in Kharkiv. I’m so thankful to the owners of Mercury and wanna send them my best wishes and tell BRAVO! Well done. I’m proud of you.
There were 2 cirneco dogs entered during the first dog-show and Mercury was alone 27/01/2019. Cirneco dell’Etna Silvento Mercury behaved well and I do hope his sister Silvento Medea will start her career in Junior class in one month already. BTW Mercury has his Instagram account. His little 12 y.o. owner, son of his owners, updates pics quite often there, follow if you want – Silvento Mercury in Instagram ♥

Winter Cup of Kharkiv
САС / Kharkiv / Ukraine
Judge – Olga Goncharuk (Ukraine)
Silvento Mercury – jCAC BOB
Sozvezdie Snezhnyk Psov
САСIB / Kharkiv / Ukraine
Judge – Shiyan T. (Ukraine)
Silvento MercuryjCAC BOB

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