Belarus. Cirneco dell’Etna and Italian sighthound at IDS in Minks (BY)

Italian sighthound Belarus, Minsk 2016We have 2 new Champions! Our Italian Sighthound Lucilla Forum Romanum and cirneco dell’Etna Creta del Gelso Bianco (import from Siciy) took part at double CACIB dog-shows in Minsk, Bearus. We can tell how it was funny when the car was broken in 50 from the boarder UA-BY how our appartments were cancelled in Minsk but there were more positive moments during this trip. We are thankful to the judges of PLI & Cirneco: Onishchenko and Paunovic – who judged cirneco ring and to Jurate Butkiene (LT) and Francisco Ruiz Rodrigue (Spain) who judged PLI ring as wel as to all my friends who helped me with my broken car far away from home and who supported me during the trip to Belarus and were with me till the last moment. Italian sighthound Lucci has finished Champion of Belarus title and our cirneco baby who is only 10 months old … and had competiotion with other cirneco in the ring from Russia and Finand was Best of Breed both days and became Junior Champion of Belarus.
More photos of italian sighthound Lucci and cirneco photos from the ring in Minsk IDS you may find at our page in Facebook, and dont forget to like our page. And here are the results of out Italian girls in Belarus:

“Summer of Belarus”
САСIB-BY / Минск
3 cirneco in the ring

чирнеко-щенок-КиевJudge for cirneco – G.Onishchenko (UA)
Creta del Gelso BiancojCAC jBOB BOB СRUFTS qlf
“Minsk 2016”
САСIB-BY / Minsk
3 cirneco in the ring

чирнеко-щенок-КиевJudge for cirneco – D.Paunovic (Serbia)
Creta del GB – jCAC jBOB BOB  СRUFTS qlf  jCH BY
6 PLI in the ring
silvento96Judge for PLI – Jurate Butkiene (LT)
Lucilla Forum Romanum – СAC CH BY
5 PLI in the ring
silvento96Judge for PLI – Francisco Ruiz Rodrigue (Spain)
Lucilla Forum Romanum – СAC rCACIB

cirneco dell'etna Minsk dog-show ChanpionIt is great to have such friends and even reaching Minsk without my own car at 6 am we were happy and smiled. My huge THANKS to Segey Dmitrenko who helped so much and showed our italian greyhound both day in the ring. Regarding Cirneco dell’Etna – it was the first time for Siri to be showed in competition. Siri had 3 shows in junior class in Ukraine before and finished jCH UA but this time it was really exciting to have 2 more cirneco in the ring. Cirneco male from Russia Mia Santo’s Atillo during 2 days got his 2*jCAC in junior class and female from Finland was showed in Champion class Trucker’s Absolutely Fabulous and took during 2 days her 2*CAC & 2*CACIB. Both cirneco finished their jch and Ch BY. My conrats to their owners and breeders. It was a pleasure to be showed with your dogs.

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