Two months passed since I saw Silvento Freya last time when I brought her to Paris in June. Silvento Freya – this little princess from small italian greyhound – Petit lévrier italien grew up to very beautiful baby with amazing long tail, black nose, charming temperament and height – just 31,5 cm at her age. It is possible to fall in love with this italian greyhound very quickly! This time my flight from Kiev to Paris took just 5 hours, not 2 days as last time, so I was happy to stay for 4 days in Paris and had good reason to see Freya with her owners. It was a small Freya’s birthday as she was 4 months old when I saw her and this time we had a photosession not in Versailles but near our hotel – close to l’église de la Madeleine. I’m thankful to Diana and Jorg for the time they spent with me in Paris, for our meeting and for the love they give to our princess Freya.