Lviv dog-show of CAC rang was held in Lviv city 10.10.2010
Only 3 italian greyhounds were showed in Lviv: Silvento Diamoura Angioletta, Altamiruas Agates Hilaris, Cacaya Mia Tsatsa Golden Queen. More full results of italian greyhounds not from our Silvento kennel that were showed there – you may find in our DogShows section. Regarding our dogs:
Our princess Silvento Diamoura Angioletta:
10.10.2010 (Lviv) – very promissing, BestBaby (judge – Jan Ryk from Poland)
I’m thankful to the judge for good words about our Amoura and to the second owner of Amoura – Tanya for such handling lessons that gave excellent results and to Antonenko Lidiya – Altamiruas kennel of Italian greyhounds – for a company and her support